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The Time is Now

Greetings Piggies!

Two posts in a month, WHO AM I? It has been a TIME since I’ve written consistently, and I could come with a million excuses why that’s been but the truth is, I just didn’t. I didn’t force myself to pen the ideas, but I have done my best to be consistent on Instagram with my Monday posts. Every little bit counts yaheame?


The other day I was in a meeting, and as we were saying our goodbyes I was asked, “When are we getting YOUR book?” To which I replied, “After I quit this job.” That reply was met with, “To be clear, that will NEVER happen,” from another colleague.

Now I took that comment for what it was; I can never leave my current job. Those people in that meeting see value in my presence, even if it’s minimal, and for that I can appreciate it. However, I was clear in what I said, that book or anything from my hands will never see fruition while in my current place.

Ok now time for the part of my post that will ruffle some feathers, but as my son’s uncle once told me, “Who cares who you offend, just write it,” and for that I will.

While thinking on that, I received a weird confirmation in my next steps. I have written outlines, I have a book in my notes app on my phone, but the truth is, I’ll never have the urge to complete because, this 40 hour a week job is draining. Couple that with co-parenting and being in a relationship and, the energy left to do what fulfills me gets set aside for rest or finding ways to keep my boys happy.

Then I think back to conversations and a topic that has been at the forefront of my mind for a few weeks. If I don’t, I will never. Regardless of the reason why I “don’t,” there had to be a time that I start doing.

That time is now.

I decided it was time to do what makes me happy and that starts with leaving toxic environments, all of them. The time for me to live and walk in my purpose is now. I am nervous about what lies ahead but for the first time in a long time, I have peace. That is invaluable.

As I prepare this, I'm coming to terms that I am 2 days away from ending a 7-year chapter in my life. I really and finally quit my job. Wow. Sharing it with all of you makes it a dash more digestible. I never thought that I would find the courage to do it. Hell, I never thought that they'd find a way to make me reach my end. However, with this ending, comes so many amazing beginnings and as terrifying as stepping out into the unknown has been, I have never felt more at peace. I was forcing myself to stay in a place BECAUSE of fear and now, fear still exists except I am moving WITH it; allowing it to move me further forward.

I want to extend a thank-you to my boyfriend because, when I first told him what I was doing, he supported me fully, zero hesitation. When I had my moments of doubt and would start freaking out, he would remind me what was already waiting for me on the other side. My friends were equally as supportive (to be fair, I have spent 7 years plotting my exit lol.) Thanks ladies lol They made me run my plan a few times just to find any holes in it and to say, "I'm proud of you."

My Piggies, when it's your time it's your time. Don't tell everyone except those who you can trust and don't feel bad that you can't bring everyone with you. Your life is for YOU to live and you need to live it the way that works for you.

My time is now. I have no idea what's on the way but it's coming and I am SO FREAKING EXCITED!

Be BOLD my Piggies!

PS. I'm sure I'll have more to say about entering the unemployment line, just give me a few weeks.


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